Monday, March 16, 2015

stretch 5000

Stretch 5000
My consumer product would be the stretch 5000. It would be a can cozy that could fit any size drink. It would be able to do this by stretching to virtually any cup, mug, or bottle size. It would come in a variety of colors, blue, white, red, yellow, purple, and black. How it would work is there would be very thick but stretchy straps connecting the ring on the top and the bottom. These straps are what would allow the cozy to stretch vertically to virtually any length. The top and bottom ring would be the same stretchy material as the straps as to allow it to stretch to virtually any girth.
               This product seems very useful for it seems like you’d never have to buy another cozy again, but it actually doesn’t do the job of a cozy at all. The job of a cozy is to keep your drink warm or cold depending on the drink and to protect your hang from an overly cold or hot can or mug. But with all the spaces in the stretch 5000 it would be able to do any of those functions because the spaces would allow the heat or cold to escape the drink and the spaces would also allow the heat or cold to irritate your hand while holding the drink.

               Over all the stretch 5000 would sound like a useful product to keep around the house but in actuality it is completely useless due to design flaws.

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